Archive for the ‘McCain’ tag
VOTEMOS: Voting Cart at Eyebeam during Park Day
October 18th 2008 at Eyebeam during Park Day.
Voting Cart on YouTube
Resident Voting Cart Documentation is also on YouTube:
VOTEMOS.US: Voting Cart 2008
VOTEMOS.US an online initiative that questions how the 2008 United States Presidential Election would differ if all residents of the United States could vote, takes to the streets in the form of a voting cart by which participants may take the voice of either McCain or Obama as they make public a hypothetical vote for the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections.
Catch the cart at Eyebeam during Open Studios on Saturday, October 18th, 3-6pm. Watch video of the cart traveling from Not an Alternative through Williamsburg to McCarren Park.
Special thanks to Jason Jones (cart fabrication), Charles Rittman (bust chiseling) and Not An Alternative for helping me realize the project.
McCain in coitus with Bush
I discovered an over the top illustrated love story between George Bush and John McCain by artist Ethan Persoff. The title page states that the material is for adults only and it is in the vein of R. Crumb. So if you’re ready for some dirty humor following a convention of Republicans in denial, check out “The Adventures of Fuller Bush Man and John McCain in ‘Obliging Lady'”
I write Republicans in denial, because after watching the major speeches of the RNC, I was appalled at the rhetoric employed to try to put the blame of the state of this nation internally and externally on someone other than themselves. It was befuddling to hear the declarations that they will clean out Washington of corruption and establish a transparent government, when we’ve had eight years of a Republican presidency and they’ve had the majority in the both the House and Senate during the first seven years of this Republican White House! (Of course the denial is aided when the current Republican president and vice president are kept far away from the convention.)
VOTEMOS.US Weekly Video Podcast Now Available
VOTEMOS.US the site that questions what the 2008 U.S. presidential elections would look like if all residents in the U.S. could vote will now feature weekly video interviews with U.S. immigrants and Mexico City residents concerning the presidential elections and general relations between the United States and Latin America.
Although VOTEMOS.US is a Spanish-language site, the videos have English language subtitles so that U.S. citizens may have an insight into the views of their Spanish speaking neighbors within the country as well as those south of the border. The weekly video interviews are available on the site, as a podcast or rss feed:
This week Argentine Jose Antonio Lazzari relaxing in the park Alameda Central located in the historical center of Mexico City states that he would not vote for Obama, Hillary or McCain and he questions who the leftist candidates are in the U.S… Jose Antonio goes on to point out that the United States is controlled by the transnational companies that are making a fortune in Iraq.
We had a lengthy conversation with Jose Antonio Lazzari, a theater actor and educator who runs a free school in Argentina. Sections of this conversation will be published over the next few weeks. Past interviews with NYC undocumented resident Raymundo are also available and all videos will be archived on the site.