Archive for the ‘regeneration’ tag
Final Weekend of ReGeneration at NY Hall of Science

Child playing “a geography of being | una geografia de ser” at the NY Hall of Science
This the final weekend of the exhibition ReGeneration at the NY Hall of Science in Corona Park. Various events and workshops will be occurring today. Catch the show before it comes down! Click here for more information on ReGeneration
The exhibition features my own “a geography of being : una geografia de ser” – an interactive art installation that reflects upon the dynamics of the undocumented immigrant population in the United States, specifically in relation to undocumented youth. The installation consists of wooden kinetic sculptures with animated displays titled “Undocumented Drones” and a video game that places the player in the role of an undocumented youth that must face several challenges in the search for self-determination beyond the imposed constraints of citizenry. View Documentation of the Installation. Or play the game online.
“a geography of being : una geografia de ser” at NY Hall of Science
The installation “a geography of being : una geografia de ser” that consists of a video game and networked kinetic wooden figures revolves around the immigrant experience. The installation is on view as part of ReGeneration at the New York Hall of Science through January 13th, 2013.
a geography of being – Title Screen
This is the title screen for the new game that I’m building. The video game is one component of the installation titled “a geography of being” that will be featured as part of the exhibition ReGeneration at the New York Hall of Science. “a geography of being” is a creative reflection on the realities of undocumented youths in the United States. The exhibition opens on October 27th 2012 and will be on view through January 13th, 2013. Along with the video game, “a geography of being” will feature kinetic wooden sculptures titled “undocumented drones” that are networked to the game to help the player along the three levels of the game.
Springmavera. Biomodd [NYC4]
Biomodd by Belgian artist Angelo Vermeulen, launches in Queens at Immigrant Movement International (IMI) from 11A-1P to begin a 6 month experiment in pop-up horticulture. The piece is part of NY Hall of Science, Regeneration exhibition that will open October 17th, 2012. Below is artist Angelo Vermeulen explaining Biomodd at TED Talk 2010