Archive for the ‘NYSYLC’ tag
UPCOMING! Queens Road to College Clinic
Saturday, January 5th from 12pm-4pm
New York Hall of Science on 47-01 111th Street
Flushing Meadows Corona Park, NY 11368
Take 7 train to 111th St stop
***Say code “road to clinic”***
Attendees will get a FREE museum tour!!
FREE community workshop geared to inform and support undocumented youth, children of immigrants and all youth regardless of immigration status with their college application process while providing them with skills to become their own advocates when navigating the education system. Get support with:
filling out college applications (CUNY, SUNY, private)
essay and resume writing
financing college and how to apply for scholarships
legal referrals, Deferred action info and more resources
Deferred Action Workshops
New York State Youth Leadership Council is helping to organize a series of workshops regarding Deferred Action:
Legal Assistance for Deferred Action on Wednesday Aug 15th from 12pm-6pm at St. Mary’s Church 440 Grand Street (between Pitt St. and Attorney St.) – Manhattan. Take the trains F to Delancey; J, M, Z to Essex St.; B, D to Grand St.
Staten Island Deferred Action Workshop on Tuesday, Aug 14th from 5:30-8pm at St Mary of the Assumption Parish located on 2230 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, NY 10302
Manhatan Deferred Action Workshop
on Thursday, Aug 16th from 6:30pm-8:30pm
at Little Sisters of the Assumption on LSA Family Health Service, 333 East 115th St, New York, NY 10029, 3rd Floor.
NYSYLC UndocuMic on Sunday August 19th from 3-5pm.
WHERE: La Casa Azul Bookstore 143 East 103rd St New York, NY 10029 Registration starts at 3pm
Damage is $5. for any questions.