Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga

Structural Patterns

Reflections on Art, Technology and Society

Archive for the ‘animation studio’ tag

Stop Motion Workshop with Robert Lyons

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Animation Table

Animation Table

In mid-October, I attended a workshop titled “Experiencing Stop Motion with Robert Lyons” at Pratt and it was a great introduction to starting a stop motion studio on a tight budget.

The puppets were made from a range of materials such as : steel armature wire 9 gauge for 6-8 inch puppets that can be braided using a drill and vice for skeleton, Super Sculpey for flesh, Pro-Poxy for hard sections that will be drilled into such as the feet and to help support the puppets – Matthews Microgrip painted in chroma key green.

Animation Puppets

Animation Puppets

And for the stop motion production, Robert presented the following equipment:

Canon T3i Rebel

Canon T3i Rebel

Camera: Canon T3i Rebel, EOS HD

Motion Control: DitoGear OmniSlider track which costs $2916 which includes the DragonBridge pictured below to control movement of the slider from the software.
Software: Dragonframe Stop Motion

Dragon Bridge

Dragon Bridge Controller

In the studio, a traditional head mount is used for the camera with customized protractor to measure the degrees of rotation. A great addition to the studio would be the DitoGear™ OmniHead at $2,721.89

Above the table mounted to the ceiling is a light grid.

Light Grid

Light Grid

Written by ricardo

October 28th, 2014 at 10:50 am