Hole in the Meadow
The hole suddenly opened up in the middle of the park! Right at 7:30am, last Tuesday a hole grew from nothing to a 30 meter radius at the center of the north side of the Long Meadow. It occurred in an instance. At least 30 frolicking dogs disappeared into it. Fortunately, the majority of the owners happen to be standing along the perimeter; so perhaps only 10 owners died or rather disappeared upon the appearance of the hole. And then there were five more or so that flung themselves into the hole after their dogs. Most stood mouths agape or collapsed to their knees blindly staring into the abyss.
Now the military has cordoned off the north section of the Long Meadow and a team of investigators descended down the hole on ropes from military helicopters. When the ropes were reeled back up, they were empty. Zero communication has emanated from the hole. Meanwhile, the owners of the lost dogs and their friends have placed memorials along the perimeter of the cordoned area. Flowers, dog portraits, favorite dog toys, bones, sticks, leashes and even a few statues form the doggy memorial border.