Archive for August 17th, 2010
“portables” Opened Saturday, August 14th

portables, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Vespucio
I received images from Ignacio Nieto, curator of the exhibition “portables” at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Vespucio in Santiago, Chile. The gallery is a satellite gallery of the National Museum and it’s located inside a luxury mall. According to the statistics, this gallery of the Museum is well attended due to its location… Brilliant, if the people will not attend the museum, bring the museum to the people. As mentioned in an earlier post, the exhibition includes Michelle Teran, Chimbalab, Alejandra Perez, Carolina Pino, GraphTech, Otto Von Busch, Ricardo Miranda Zuniga and Kurt Olmstead.

Ignacio selected a group of artists that are using electronics as a creative medium, specifically, creating portable electronics (hand-held or worn on the body). Above are details of works by noise artist, Alejandra Perez who created a sound mask, GraphTech who presented an over the limit alcohol device that calls a phone number in the U.S. when high alcohol levels are detected from a person’s breath and Chimbalab who created a mobile, potato-powered radio station.

GraphTech, Ricardo Miranda Zuniga and Kurt Olmstead

Miracle of Chile
The image above is my collaborative contribution. I worked with my old friend Kurt Olmstead to realize a project specific to Chile – “Miracle of Chile” which I’ve previously posted about. Our portion of the exhibition includes a virtual labyrinth that presents images taken by participants of what the “Miracle of Chile” is to them as reflected on the streets of Santiago, and three circuit boards with LCDs mounted onto tiles of the Santiago sidewalks.