Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga

Structural Patterns

Reflections on Art, Technology and Society

Simple Interaction, but Engaging

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July 20, 2005
“No Pasa Tiempo,” is a very simple flash project that is part of an online exhibtion titled “Violencia Sin Cuerpos” (Violence Without Bodies):


The exhibition gathers online works that investigate domestic violence particularly violence toward women by men.  Some of the projects have been around for quite a while, such as Prema Murthy’s “Bindi Girl.”  As I was perusing a few of the projects, I came across “No Pasa Tiempo” (http://2-red.net/nopasatiempo/)which is merely a series of draw by numbers drawings – one merely illustrates the drawing by following the numbers with the mouse.  It’s the sort of thing that, perhaps I’m just avoiding work, but found myself following along awaiting to see the final drawing.  Also check out Cunnilingus in North Korea by  Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, again so simple, but so good:

Written by ricardo

October 28th, 2006 at 7:49 pm

Posted in net_art