Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga

Structural Patterns

Reflections on Art, Technology and Society

Archive for the ‘2016 Elections’ Category

To Trump Machado Is a Product

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Trump told “Fox and Friends” it was a “real problem” when Machado gained significant weight after winning the pageant he then owned. He added that Machado was “the worst we ever had. The worst. The absolute worst. She was impossible.”

If you consider critically these words by Trump, Alicia Mechado to Trump is a product, not a human being. Based on several other claims and responses during the debate last night, Trump considers everything as a business transaction. The value of this country, the value of people, the value of cities… His concern with the murder rate of Chicago is directly related to his properties in Chicago. The fact that Trump has refused to make his taxes public and did not pay federal taxes over years is smart, after all the government would waste his money. Waste his money in public education, in public resources… Why would any middle class individual who sends their kid to public school ever vote for someone who has such disdain for social health and stability?

Written by ricardo

September 27th, 2016 at 4:22 pm

Donald Trump On Birther Issue

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In mid-September 2016, Donald Trump lied by accusing Hillary Clinton of having started the Obama birther question in 2008. Here we see Trump lying in 2016 followed by five year old interviews with Trump in which he questions Obama’s birth country and legitimacy as president.

Written by ricardo

September 19th, 2016 at 7:28 am

Trump Tshirts

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Get your Trump Tshirts and more before the summer GOP convention!

Trump Tshirts available at Society6.com – CHEAP![/caption]

Trump Tshirts available at Society6 - CHEAP!

Trump Tshirts available at Society6.com – CHEAP!

Written by ricardo

April 6th, 2016 at 9:08 am

Drawings for Bernie!

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Alevo Zkaynak drawing for Bernie

On an outing to Fort Greene Park yesterday afternoon, I met Alevo Zkaynak at the entrance of the park. She was holding a home made banner declaring “BERNIE DRAWS THE LINE – LINE DRAWINGS!!!”. From the banner hung 5 terrific line drawings created by the artist to generate donations for Bernie. She told me that she was out of money to give to Bernie, so she made the drawings to sell; she’d send half the proceeds to the Bernie campaign.

It is this sort of youthful and earnest enthusiasm that makes me wish that Bernie Sanders Political Revolution did occur. Unfortunately as with Obama’s HOPE, the United States is far too divided for any revolution to occur whether it’s a revolution of bigotry and hate or one of openness and love. As with much of Obama’s tenure, the Republicans are blocking the President’s right to select a new Supreme Court judge. When our representatives are unwilling to do their job, it is amazing that any legislation gets done in this country. Change must occur, perhaps it will happen through today’s youth, people like Alevo Zkaynak.