1717 Troutman Press Conference
Many residents and a solid contention of the local news showed up to the press conference this morning at 1717 Troutman, Ridgewood, NY. The press listened to our concerns, that we have been inproperly dislocated. That we were forced to leave our homes and studios with no notice and that we have been left homeless and with very limited time to remove our belongings.
The Democratic minority leader, Senator Malcolm Smith was present and promised to advocate on our behalf to grant us more time to properly vacate our buildings and perhaps to even return to our homes. The city of New York does not force residents out of commercial buildings, even when the commercially zoned building is used for private residence. Afterall, NYC has a long history of artists living in industrial buildings. They are generally the first wave of gentrification for industrial areas.
Various stories are swirling as to our position. The city has requested for our landlord to take the keys to the building, but he doesn’t wish to be responsible for securing the building. When the landlord has tried to enter the building he hasn’t been allowed to, so we the residents, do not know what will happen to our homes and belongings after Sunday, the final day that the Department of Buildings has given us to remove everything. Many of us simply can not do so. Meanwhile, we pack and move the belongings that are most important to each of us, and hope that we will be able to return for the rest of our things. Brooke and I continue to stay with friends, uncertain of whether we should be looking for an apartment or keep hope that our homes will be returned to us.
Here’s more info on the press conference from Jolie, one of our most active residents:
Senator Malcolm Smith (State Minority Leader) showed up and issued a statement to the Press expressing his support and letting them know that he came to stand beside us and support us. He stated to the media that he made a call to Mayor Bloomberg personally this morning to ask that he help the tenants that were displaced from 1717 Troutman. Congresswoman Catherine Nolan sent a representative who distributed a statement to the Press from the Congresswoman also expressing her support and petitioning the city for more time on our behalf. Chuck Delaney also showed up and spoke to us and offered us assistance. We had press from so many outlets including Daily News, New York Magazine, Channel 9 News, NY1, Univision, Ridgewood Times, Brooklyn Courier etc.